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Earning $2000+ on cloaca and PWA apps. Successful case from a...

Hey! I'm Nikita, Affiliate Manager. Today we will analyze a case from the team that is now working and getting good conversions...
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4 STEPS to a successful launch from FB to PWA applications!

Hello everyone! GamblingPro here! Today, we'll dive into the correct setup for launching PWA applications with FB – from creating a flow link in the...

Let’s Learn to Run Campaigns with Tik-Tok Self-Reg Accounts!

Hello everyone 😉 This is GamblingPro speaking. We've been receiving questions on a similar theme for a while now: "How to run campaigns with Tik-Tok self-reg...

Increase your ROI! Setting up a live campaign tracker with a PWA context

Hello everyone! Today, using the Keitaro tracker campaign as an example, we'll set up our flows for funneling from contextual advertising to PWA. Let's get...
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The agony of choice: CPA, CPL, CPI, CPS, RevShare. How to choose the optimal...

Greetings! Many webmasters, especially beginners or those who are new to the Gambling and Betting verticals, often find themselves at a loss when starting...

How to choose the right gambling offer?

Greetings! This is Gambling.pro on the line! In this article, we will talk about the main aspects of an offer that you should pay...

Why doesn’t the offer convert? TOP 5 reasons

Hello friends, this is GamblingPro, and today we're going to talk about a very relevant topic for those who are new to traffic arbitration. So,...


Practical Manual for Working with the Gambling Vertical

Selecting the Target Audience for Gambling Offers (Who to Look For, Target Audience Avatar) If you think that the gambling audience is poor people looking...
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