FAQ: Launch Cloaca And PWA Applications In 15 Minutes


    Hi! Recently, it became possible to send traffic through our cloaca to a link and to a PWA application. In the manual, we will consider all the most relevant and interesting questions for you:

    • How to share our optimization on your Pixel?
    • How do I create a PWA app / launch link to a closed link?
    • How to run ad campaigns from Business Managers and from a personal account?
    • How do I add the Pixel to my Facebook account?

    What are the differences? Let’s figure it out. We now have the ability to send traffic through the cloaca to the casino link. You send a stream link to the bot, and it displays a ready-made link. 

    The second option is sending traffic through our PWA (Progressive Web Application). It is a technology that allows users to install your site on a smartphone as an application. Unlike regular Webview applications, they do not need to be downloaded from the Play Market & App Store. At the same time, they look the same and have the same functionality. The link given to you by the bot leads to the landing page, which at first glance is identical to the Play Market. In this case, the “Install” button is active.

    At the moment, the landing page on which our application is located is adapted for mobile versions. Therefore, if you open it from a PC, you will see non-adaptive pictures.

    Working with the bot

    Now let’s figure out how to work correctly with the @GamblingPro_Cloaking_bot bot and how to start it. 

    Bot functionality:

    • Close PWA application;
    • Close link;
    • Add a pixel;
    • Balance.

    How does it work? The bot has pre-purchased and prepared domains, in which each geo has its own “White” sites (white site landing pages or full-fledged sites that the moderator visits). We buy all these domains for our own money at 150 rubles per domain, so the bot has the opportunity to buy them at cost. 

    To do this, you need to go to the “Balance” button. There you can top up your balance by at least 100 rubles through any payment systems that are possible and available to you (from cryptocurrency to bank cards). After funding, you can get your link for both direct link and PWA applications.

    Sending traffic with optimization

    We have an optimization function in our bot. How to do it and what is it for?

    The bot has a functionality – “Add a pixel”. This allows you to optimize your registration or deposit campaigns. This is due to the sharing of our pixel, which already contains all the events from previous campaigns, to yours.

    IMPORTANT: If you plan to use optimization for registrations or deposits, then you will definitely need the Business Manager and the pixel created in it!

    That is why we made a functionality in the bot that asks you to send the pixel ID and its Token.

    How to add a Pixel to yourself on Facebook:

    1. Go to “Campaign settings” and select the “Data sources” tab, then “Pixels”:
    1.  Press the “Add” button (specify the name):
    1.  Select 1 option from the proposed ones:
    1.  After the Pixel is created, open Events Manager:
    1.  Go to the tab – “Settings”, there we find the column – “Manual settings” and click “Start”:
    1.  Select the events “Purchase” and “Completed registration”.
    1. Next, we configure both events by choosing the following characteristics:
    • Client IP address – do not hash;
    • Client User Agent – Do not hash;
    • External ID;
    • Cookie ID click (fbc) – do not hash.



    Completed registration.

    How do I share our optimization on my Pixel?

    1.  You need to go to Pixel and select the “Settings” tab. There we take the pixel ID.
    1.  In the same tab, go down to the “API Conversion” column.
    1.  Press the button – “Generate access token”.
    1.  To share our pixel to yourself, you need to add pixel ID and Token through an asterisk in the “Add Pixel” bot to get the following:

    How to create a link for a PWA application / launch to a closed link?

    Let’s assume that you have already shared your pixel through our bot. Now you need to get a closed link, either a stream link (via our website) or to a PWA application. Let’s consider the process of work using the example of PWA applications. We take the link of the stream in the affiliate program. In the bot, press the appropriate button and select an available application. 

    Next, pay attention to the currently available geo. We select the geo that matches your offer. For example, I work with Ukraine, and I have a ready-made stream link – https://l.gambling.pro/50b7088c2019bn5x8HmmS

    (If you need to integrate not the stream link, but your integration link (from the tracker), contact your personal manager).

    I register in the bot at this stage – “Ukraine” and press the button – “Get domain”.

    The bot issues a ready-made link. It remains only to insert the postback into the stream settings and you can start.

    Launching an advertising campaign from Business Manager and from a personal account:

    • To launch with Business Managers, you need to share access. Go to your personal account and go to – “AdsManager”, copy the ID of the ad account.
    • Next, we insert our ID in our Business Manager into advertising accounts:
    • Now we need to give access to the advertising account from a personal account:
    • Next, we need to share the pixel that is in Business Managers and provide access to personal accounts. Choose “Campaign Settings” – “Data Sources” – “Pixels”.
    • Press the button – “Add” and select the required account:
    • When creating an advertising campaign, select the goal – “Conversions”.
    • In the second tab, select our pixel and put either “Purchase” or “Completed registration”.

    Now you can customize your advertising campaign according to the required parameters. It is important not to forget to insert the link that the bot gave you.

    Everything written above allows you to send traffic optimized for registration or deposit via a link. This makes it easier to work with application and account bans. 

    These methods of working with traffic are under constant development. We, like no one else, are interested in that everything works as efficiently as possible and you feel comfortable interacting with us.

    If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact your personal manager. He will always help and will do everything as quickly as possible.

    Profits! 🙂


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