Case: Valor Casino + Instagram Bloggers. 34 Days, 23 Million Rubles, 440% ROI


Hello everyone, the team is here!

Now we’re going to dissect a working approach in gambling that allows making substantial profit in this vertical. And not only in this one, actually, but gambling is simply the most lucrative vertical in CPA that we’ve worked with, so today we’re specifically talking about it.

We’ll be examining an approach that I personally call “live proofs” or “social proof”. Its essence is to provide a person interested in something with real confirmations that what caught their interest is indeed valuable and will bring them benefits and help solve some problems. Whether it’s a means to increase something or a casino platform.

This approach can be used in conjunction with other main approaches, enhancing them.

For example – a very early variation of this approach – text reviews on the landing page, fake comments on the pre-landing, fake (and sometimes not) comments under your posts on social networks.

A more recent version, which allows us to use social proof as an independent approach, is video reviews and comments – for instance, video reviews where a person openly talks about their experience using something or how they made a fortune playing in a casino. They tell and at the same time show 🙂 Such videos can often be found in the Instagram feed, or on YouTube, if you search for them by specific target queries.

The next level is when a person online, sitting in front of a camera, can recommend something during their stream.

Well, you can list various other options, but essentially, we will now consider all this within the framework of my case, where we will combine all these approaches.

So, back to the case.

Essentially, simple variations of social proof still work and have their place, but we all know that in recent years, arbitrage is gaining momentum – both in Russia and in other countries, more and more arbitrageurs are emerging, and naturally, everyone tries to start exactly with such simple approaches.

Because of this, these themes are not working as well anymore. People don’t really believe the reviews on landing pages and fake comments on pre-landings anymore.

To make a good video review that the audience perceives as a sincere message and not advertising – you also have to try very hard.

Because of this, everything is moving towards modifications and complicating the current approaches. Especially it concerns Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other CIS GEOs, which Russian (and not only) arbitrageurs have already “ridden” quite a bit.

We modify these approaches towards more and more realism, reinforcing one proof with another proof in a chain, so that the interested person has no doubts at the moment they make a conversion.

Proof upon proof drives the proof.

Now let’s dissect the approach with multiple social confirmations just as in our casino case and at the end look at the stats from this approach.

First of all, it should be said that in this case, an Instagram account acts as a landing page (pre-landing). It looks like this.

Now let’s look at it in more detail.

The account’s design is pretty simple, we didn’t invent anything new in this respect – the principle is like this: it works, and that’s fine xD

In Russia, of course, we might have had to try harder, but thank God, other countries have not yet been flooded with this approach, perhaps that’s why with such minimal efforts the profit here turns out to be quite decent.

In the working account, we post schemes and reviews from players. We don’t tie our videos to specific casino brands because we pour on different offers.

You can do differently, I’m not calling to replicate us “exactly”. Specifically, in our working accounts are schemes for certain casino slots. They look like textual descriptions + video instructions, where we tell and show the audience how to beat the casino. We dilute these schemes with screenshots of reviews from “real” visitors to our page, who supposedly try our schemes, win by them, and write us their “thank you” in direct, supporting these “thank you” with photos of their profit.

We search for slot videos on YouTube. It’s done very simply:

– Go to YouTube

– Enter the target query = the name of the slot we’re interested in (e.g., Gonzo Quest Slot)

– Find a bunch of videos of people playing this slot

– Choose a suitable one in the language we need

– Adapt it in any video editor to fit our account and get a ready-made author’s scheme)))

All posts + photo proofs from players are in English. Because we work with English-speaking GEOs – South Africa and Singapore.

We made the schemes like this – first, we found a suitable video with a game recording and a win, then we tailored our scheme to it and published it in the comments to the post – I think it’s clear why exactly this way. Because it’s easier than looking for a video for a pre-written scheme.

Fake reviews from thrilled winners, who supposedly wrote to us in direct, we make ourselves. We take 2 mobile phones and go on, write to ourselves, respond to ourselves… xD

Using various services for creating fake chats is not recommended because there often the fonts differ from the original fonts on the platform.

In all the account posts, comments are disabled – to avoid gathering negativity from disgruntled users who can’t seem to win no matter what. No matter how licensed the casino you’re pouring into is – such users will still be the majority.

The very first post in the account is made in the form of a video, supposedly from the account owner, where he flips through the money he not so long ago made with his own schemes.

This video is a bit more complicated – for it, we need an actor because finding a suitable video on YouTube is practically impossible.

Under the post with the account owner, comments are open, and there’s quite an active discussion by other users about the schemes posted on the account and the results of their games, the achievements of the account owner, etc.

P.S. All comments should not be super ecstatic and positive. Some users may doubt and ask for advice from others. Negativity in the comments should also be present, but it needs to be “correct” – when the review can be perceived in two ways (e.g., won but little, or didn’t win but because they decided to slightly modify the scheme, etc.). Addressing this negativity should primarily be done through comments from other users and only then from the account owner, or not at all, relying solely on other users.

Strengthening social proof even more:

From some account posts, we additionally link to another account, where we post only reviews from winning users, without schemes.

The more reviews, the better. I always make more than 100. Comments in the account with reviews are disabled. Making this account is not necessary, it’s up to you, we tested variants both with and without it, they work roughly the same, so you can skip it and stick only to the main account.

Making additional accounts with reviews is NOT NECESSARY, we tested both variants — without them, the case also works perfectly. We kept them just because they were already prepared and did not negatively affect conversion (but not positively either — not really).

On all posts in working accounts, we inflate a fairly large number of views and likes. On the first post, the number of views can be more than 10k (at the start of the pour) – then it grows naturally and depends on the amount of traffic you bring to the account.

We use the service – for inflations.

You can use it or any other service, at your discretion.

On the main account with schemes, we inflate 10+ thousand followers (the more, the better – we even went up to 30k xD) – let everyone see that the account is popular among other people.

Under the first post, we make a lot of comments – more than 20, and then you can periodically add new, fresh comments there. Comments are also made in English.

When you start pouring traffic into the account, you need to watch for negativity and delete bad comments.

We post quite a lot of posts on the main account (where we post schemes) – 30-50 pieces, not all in one day. Sometimes we post posts in the style of luxury life, supposedly from the account owner.

We aim to make the account look as alive as possible and not raise suspicions among users who end up there.

Preparing one such account takes us about 4-7 days.

We place our tracking link in the description of all accounts – both where we post schemes and where we post only reviews.

Overall, that’s all about the working accounts. Now regarding traffic, where and how to get it.


Traffic to the account with schemes is led through bloggers who post in their personal accounts stories mentioning our account with schemes.

For finding bloggers, we mainly use 2 services:


There are many others, but in my opinion, these two provide the most adequate and comprehensive results.

The themes of accounts – lifestyle, travel, fashion, sports

We select bloggers who have more than 100K audience and a fairly alive audience on the account. I assessed the “liveliness” of the audience by the ratio of its total number to the number of views of posts and videos, plus looked at the account statistics in the two services I mentioned above.

For example,, because I like it more )

The ratio of the number of followers of the account to views of posts and videos:

50% and more – super good

30-40% – okay

20-30% – tolerable

up to 20% – more no than yes )) if the price is reasonable – we take it, but still try to focus on higher activity indicators.

The cost of one story featuring a blogger can vary from $50 to several thousand dollars, and even tens of thousands… ))

It’s all very individual, depending on the number of followers on the account, the activity of the audience, and the “star status” of the bloggers.

There are quite large accounts, with an active audience and very favorable terms of cooperation, like this one (Example 1):

*for a series of 3 stories: 1500 EUR For 1 story: 1000EUR

Or rather small accounts, with insanely  inflated prices, like this one (Example 2):

Or there are accounts like this, with quite a lot of followers, few views, and the price for posts and stories in them seems inflated and inadequate (if compared, at least, with the first example) (Example 3):

Placing in stories is usually 30-50% cheaper than in a post and they work, according to our experience, better than posts, plus – many bloggers simply refuse to make advertising posts in their feed. Therefore, we work only through stories.

We used accounts like the first example the most.

We haven’t tested celebrity accounts from example 2 – I decided it was too risky because I don’t think the placement prices in these accounts would be justified by equally high conversion.

Example 3 – these are the accounts we filtered out immediately. Even without testing, because it’s clear that the price wouldn’t match the quality)

In the end, we focused on accounts like the first type. We continue to work with them to this day. We choose more or less “star” bloggers in their countries with a very loyal audience.

The personal attachment and loyalty of the audience to the blogger play a very important role in this case.

Working with Bloggers

With one blogger, we usually publish several stories, making a series with intervals between stories.

We ask bloggers to post stories over a certain period, after the release of the 1st story: the 2nd one after 12-24 hours, the 3rd one after 3-5 days. This approach strengthens proof and creates an effect of greater realism for the subscribers of the blogger, who then treat our account with schemes with more loyalty.

If the blogger’s audience reacts well and continues to convert – we keep going in the same vein until it stops…xD

We have 46 bloggers in our arsenal, with whom we work. The total target audience is 20,773,000 subscribers.

We tried to select accounts where the subscribers were predominantly from our target GEOs – South Africa or Singapore.

Accounts where the audience predominantly consists of other GEOs – we tried not to take.

Offers we worked with:

Valor. Casino — all traffic from our target GEOs South Africa and Singapore went here.

Now our team primarily works with this offer. Plus, we were given full access to the platform and allowed to fully optimize it for arbitrage and develop our unique conversion funnel for players. Because of this, the conversion in registrations and deposits on our offer is just insane)))

In the future, we will interact in this way with other advertisers to have even more exclusive offers with really fiery conversion in

Freespin Casino — this offer has WW GEOs, so we sent all residual traffic from non-target GEOs there.

Intermediate Result

So far, we have purchased 437 placements in stories and our total expenses on traffic purchase have amounted to $70,251.49

The average cost of 1 story – $160

It’s hard to say how many views we got from these placements, but we can see how many clicks we got on our links and how they converted

In total, we bought 151,568 clicks across all GEOs

Of which about 29% were from GEOs other than South Africa and Singapore

Eventually, over 34 days, we got this statistic

The selection was made from the moment we reached a volume of 6-10 stories per day.

  1. Most people transitioned directly from our account to the advertiser’s platform and performed the target action there. Some, who were not entirely sure “to do or not to do,” wrote to us in direct, where our manager gave them the very last social proof and addressed the remaining doubts and objections of the person, sending them photos of money, videos of private schemes, and a link to the account with reviews.
  2. We made money photos right on the spot, the manager took out a bundle of euros or dollars, which we provided him, and sent photos of this bundle directly against the background of the current dialogue with the interested person. Usually, this was enough. Sometimes the manager also sent an additional super private scheme, which had not yet been posted on the account. Such schemes were prepared in advance, and we found them, just like all the other videos, on YouTube.
  3. About 7% of deposits came from direct. Still, the main part of the traffic converted immediately, bypassing direct, because people were already quite satisfied with the trust caused by the stories of their favorite bloggers + those social proofs that were already present in our account.

Let’s sum up.

Today we reviewed a case created by our team. I tried to describe all the steps in detail to answer all possible questions, and yet there’s a point I’d like to reiterate. The main focus in this case should not be on attracting users to direct but on finding bloggers with a very loyal audience to them. Considering this aspect and working out the details according to this case, profit will appear very quickly and who knows, maybe you’ll manage to surpass our result 🙂

That’s all from me. Follow our GamblingPro blog for even more interesting cases and manuals inside!



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