How to Avoid Rejection in Gambling?


It’s no secret that Gambling is one of the most profitable verticals in CPA, and therefore, the interest of webmasters in it is growing stronger every day. Those who previously focused on commodities, installs, games, dating, subscriptions, and similar themes with small payouts – sooner or later begin to test Gambling offers.

Many beginners sometimes don’t even think about what affects the quality of their traffic and end up making quite silly mistakes, although the reason is a lack of understanding of simple and obvious things.

So, let’s figure out once again what affects the quality of your traffic. Not only in gambling, but in general.

Whatever you work with, the quality of traffic will be influenced by:

– Source

– Target (the audience for which we set up advertising)

– Approach (your creatives, everything that comes before the advertiser’s landing page)

Now let me explain in more detail. Everything listed above affects both individually and collectively.

Those who work with different sources may have noticed that in the same source, the target audience with the same target reacts differently to the same creatives and products – somewhere better, somewhere worse. But if you slightly change the creative and adapt it to the specifics of a particular source, you can achieve good conversion and quality everywhere.

But what is the “specifics of a particular source”?

– In some places, inherently interested people reside (search by keywords, targeting narrow target audiences, audiences of targeted thematic channels and blogs), and in others, on the contrary – completely uninterested (clickunder from adult sites, teaser networks, large channels and publics, chats, blogs of broad themes).

When choosing an approach and creating the first creatives, it is worth considering the context and theme of the source itself. Later, when you have already found a combination in one source, you can think about how to adapt it for another source, another theme, etc.

  1. Social networks are places where people communicate with each other, comment on photos and videos, read publics, like, exchange opinions, etc. People primarily visit any social network for this, not to work or buy something. As a result, initially, the audience of social networks should be considered cold (if you pour on a broad target or general theme. If you pour on a narrow target or targeted thematic publics, you can find a hot target audience in social networks).

P.S. there’s something else: in different social networks, the same people also react differently to certain products and services. A person may not buy something after seeing an ad for it on FB, but buy the same thing after seeing a slightly different or even the same ad on Instagram or Twitter.

On Instagram, people love to watch and absorb visual photo and video content, which there is a lot of. The age of the most active target audience segment on Instagram is 14-35 years old.

Also, on Instagram, people love to show themselves in all their beauty, beautiful things, or beauty products…))) Here, people follow social trends. They see other people, bloggers, celebrities, models, possessing something and they too start wanting it, and right there they see an ad for some products or services, thanks to which they can get closer to their idols)))

Bright videos with pleasant sound, live video, and photo reviews for products and gambling are the key to success on Instagram. For products, direct video posts where the product is shown in action, with brief descriptions, work great here. In gambling, video and photo reviews from people in stories work well, leading to an account, directly to an offer, or to a mobile application. If you send people to an account – then until that account is banned, there should be a link on it that leads to the same offer. You must leave the traffic a point of contact through which it can return to the advertiser’s site; otherwise, if you constantly change the link and insert different offers into the same account – there is a high probability that you will have few repeat deposits for all offers at once.

  1. Search traffic from ads and SEO results. If we are talking about brand and targeted thematic requests – then the most interested and targeted traffic comes from here, which is already looking for your offer. You need to convey to the person through a sufficiently capacious ad or site name and description all the most engaging and profitable offers of your offer to attract their attention and motivate them to convert.

If we are talking about key requests of related themes, then in the same ad or description, you need to explain to the person why they need to add “this” to their reality and how “this” will make their life better. You need to nudge the person to make a decision.

If you are pouring on a thematic audience that is not related to the theme of your offer, you need to adapt the creative specifically for it, in the ad or description first give it what is contained in its target request, and then find the points of contact of this request with your offer. Here you will have to think about a thematic pre-landing, without it, the quality of traffic will suffer because the conversion from a thematic approach without a pre-landing will be low, the target audience will simply not be ready to make a decision about conversion, there will be many rejections on the site, etc. Regarding thematic audiences and approaches – this all applies not only to searches by related queries but also in general to work in any source where you want to convert any thematic target audience.

In any source:

– If you use a very thematic approach in ads, you need to maintain relevance and make the same thematic pre-landing from which you will then send traffic to the landing page.

– If you use a targeted approach, you can and should send traffic directly to the advertiser’s landing page.

– If you have something intermediate between the ad and the ad page where your traffic lands, it would be good to reinforce this something with social proof (if appropriate, add reviews, comments under posts, video reviews, links to profiles for feedback, etc.).

Whatever final chain of actions you create, it should all lead traffic to conversion. By chain of actions, I mean the traffic’s path from the source and ad in it to the advertiser’s landing page and conversion.

To come up with effective chains, you need to take something as a starting point from which traffic will begin its journey, for example: Instagram source and its youthful target audience + stories from bloggers + account with schemes + offer landing page, and then you need to imagine what users (make an avatar) will take which paths through you to the advertiser, and how they will react to various stimuli in the form of stories from bloggers, the design of your account, comments under posts, responses in direct, etc., as well as how they will behave on the advertiser’s site coming from your creatives. Only when you clearly imagine all the ways of traffic, you will be able to assess its ways of departure and compile a list of objections.

Before starting to pour traffic, it is best to collect all possible objections that may arise in a person on the way to conversion, work them out and 1) prepare good answers that can be sent to people in private messages, 2) prepare a bunch of good thoughts for texts of creatives (for this, it is also useful to see what competitors are doing in Spy services). All this will help you better understand your target audience and give them what they really want.

Points of contact and interaction with the target audience. I already wrote above that it is better not to change links from one offer to another in working Instagram accounts and on channels in Telegram, so that the target audience has points through which they can quickly and conveniently return to your offer. Now many pour on mobile applications, then such a point can be the application itself.

Regarding contact, I mean that you need to maintain communication with those who have already converted or reacted to your ad and periodically remind them of the offer. If you work with your push notifications, you can send a push to the player base with an action or tournament that is currently taking place in the casino. If you have collected emails – you can do the same. Mailings in private messages through bots, to subscribers of groups/channels. Retargeting. All this is needed to bring old players back to the advertiser’s platform. Then you will have many repeat deposits and a long LTV of users. For such traffic, very high rates are given 🙂

Underage target audience. Many forget that you cannot pour traffic under 18 years old on casino offers. Moreover, I do not recommend pouring traffic 18-21, because in all segments there is the lowest LTV of players. Yes, this traffic is cheap, yes, it converts cool, but the traffic will never pay off for the advertiser.

There are certain stop words that are better to avoid in your creatives, otherwise, you can attract an unnecessary audience that will not be the target for your offer at all. Speaking of the specific theme of gambling, such words can include: free, minimal investment, work from home, and everything related to them.

This is far from all that is worth understanding regarding stop words.

The main thing is to understand at all where the prohibition of these words came from?

The reason for this is people. People who are looking for free stuff and react specifically to these words (and also to a bunch of others, but I can’t remember them all at once). There is such a separate category of people. In principle, this target audience is suitable for some categories of offers, but definitely not for gambling, as these users clearly do not intend to spend their earned money in the casino. Maybe they will come in once to try your scheme and then go back to searching for free giveaways, bonuses, and promotions.

Another such category is people who are in dire need of money and are looking for any source of additional income. This is also not the target audience that you need to convert to gambling. In the context of our topic, they behave the same as the previous ones, only with job searching.

When you fail to hit your target audience, the quality suffers greatly, and the extent of this depends on how far off you are from hitting the target audience. If things go really badly, your traffic might be rejected or the rate might be reduced.

Motivated traffic. Another common mistake and reason for rejection. Any traffic can be made targeted if the creative content has the right message and motivation, right?)) The key word here is “proper motivation.” This is when you evoke excitement in people, not just a desire for a freebie, for example.

Should you create creatives with a message like “Invest 1 dollar and withdraw 300!”? Yes, such a creative will attract a lot of target audience and many people will deposit $1, but will they continue to play when they realize they can’t withdraw 300? Right, they won’t.

To ensure your traffic is high quality, you need to think several steps ahead and predict the behavior of people who come to the advertiser’s platform from your creatives.

To achieve high rates and long-term collaboration with advertisers, you need to consider not only your own interests but also those of the other party, who pays you for the traffic. You can create separate streams and, by agreement, test different “dumb” approaches, but be prepared for the possibility that after evaluating the traffic, the rate for it may be reduced to zero, and don’t complain to the manager afterward.

You can consult with us, thoroughly work out the funnel and devise good approaches, working with which you will ensure a high level of conversion, good LTV forecast, and receive the maximum rate for this traffic.

Or you can secretly use “dumb” approaches, assure us that you are using “good” ones, but by the LTV of your traffic, we will quickly understand that this is not the case, and disconnect you from the offer. Possibly followed by grievances, scandals, intrigues, investigations… Also, if you initially start doing this, you might fundamentally be unable to understand the deep meaning of this post and what I am writing about and realize why if your approaches convert, it does not mean that everything is good for all parties)))

But just… Turn on your brains and think several times before answering the following 3 questions:

1) Why should the advertiser pay for someone’s ignorance at the maximum rate when they receive traffic from blatantly dumb approaches, made on a “maybe it will work”, with an unworked funnel, where people who by any behavioral forecasts will show minimal LTV and quickly leave?

2) Why should the advertiser pay for traffic that will never pay off at all?

3) Why should the advertiser cooperate with a webmaster who pours such traffic and does not want to change anything?

And a few more tips on what to do if you still decide to pour traffic of not very good quality, like “invest 10 $ win 10000″, or a scheme where you need to invest 1$, spin 10 times and withdraw the winnings”.

1) If you have decided to test such approaches at your own risk, you should be aware that the next week you may receive reduced rates for existing leads from the advertiser.

2) If you use such creatives, at least don’t write about the minimum deposit amounts on them.

3) If you use the approach “won 10000$ with 1$” in the target, then we again recommend raising the figure, for example, earned for a vacation with 50$ (not something exorbitant, but at the same time significant).

CTR for such ads will be +- the same, but the quality of this traffic is much higher and it receives fewer rejections.

Also, if you work with FB, I recommend launching several separate campaigns with different links, you can even with the same creative, because a lot depends on which auction Facebook will put you in, and it’s always a roulette… BUT if you divided it into different streams, poured maybe 5 streams of 100$ each, then looked at the deposits from each stream, write to your manager and ask how much the players deposited through these streams. Choose the stream where the quality is best and scale it, then regularly check with the manager for quality, this will reduce your risk of encountering a sudden rejection from the advertiser or a rate reduction.

Arbitrage is the same profession and work as many others, and either you do it well and get paid well, or you do it poorly and then complaints arise, KPI increases, checks begin, and the question arises whether it is worth paying money at all. It seems to me that’s fair. When you do poorly and expect to get a wow-wow-wow result, ovations, and payment at a 500% rate… it seems to me that’s silly, don’t you think? So silly that it amuses. Don’t hope for chance. You need to think in realities, operate with facts and science.

There are many people around who can help, consult on various issues, guide you on the right path, and prevent you from making mistakes. You just need to make an effort to reach out to them, ask the right questions, and search for some answers on your own. Whatever it is, it’s definitely there on the Internet and has already been described several times.

Tons of content are published on how to work with various verticals, including gambling, and from our team at

All this is done to protect our partners from all these problems with rejections, rate reductions, and payout delays.

As a CPA network, we defend our partners’ interests to the end and fight for your payments and full rates, but unfortunately, sometimes our partners create situations where even we cannot always find a solution.

We also want to recommend always making screenshots confirming the placement of ads, or even better, video recordings, showing the advertising source, the ad post, the number of views, the number of clicks, etc. This is because if the advertiser has doubts about the quality of the traffic, you will have all the necessary evidence to dispel doubts and receive full payment without rejections.

Remember, close work and control over the quality of traffic is your joint work with the manager. He can always check the advertiser’s admin panel for the situation with your traffic and tell you how the players are playing and how much they are depositing.

Now, let’s summarize.

Today we have discussed how to use sources in gambling work, which approaches show good results, and which ones to avoid. We also looked at options for working with the target audience and their characteristics.

I hope this post will help our community of webmasters working with gambling themes to take another step towards quality traffic and high rates.



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