Updating PWA applications: how we increased trust and conversion


Hello! I’m Maxim @GamblingProMax! Today we’re going to talk about a massive PWA app update! We have done everything to maximize trust and increase conversions! How? Read the article! 

🔥@GamblingPro_Cloaking_bot – go to the bot and get optimized PWA applications that won’t be banned for a long time.

Trust URL for Google Play.

One of the most important and notable updates: changing the URL of our fake Google Play store. It used to be:

URL – dragonhitapp, followed by subs. In the second version, all PWA applications have a domain that is as similar as possible to the original web version of Google Play:

This way we further increase the user’s trust. He will think that it is Google Play. With this domain,conversion increases even more click- to-install. Previously, the user could stop the URL, but now there is no such doubt. 🙂

Construktor PWA.

Now it takes less than 5 minutes to create a PWA application! You can just send us a fake design and we will create a PWA application in less than 5 minutes.

You can also change:

  • Application name;
  • Application description;
  • Reviews;
  • Any item on a fake Google Play page.

Also, in just a few minutes we can make a design for any offer absolutely free of charge! You can send the finished design to your personal manager.

The ability to send traffic optimized for “buy + install”

This is a very large update that significantly increases conversion and income! 🔥 Read more in our article .💪🏻

And yet …

We have released a lot of different technical updates. They optimize and speed up your work 🙂

PWA 2.0 is a massive update that will make your work even faster and easier, and more income! Stay tuned for Gambling.pro updates so you don’t miss anything important!


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