How to choose the right gambling offer?


Greetings! This is on the line! In this article, we will talk about the main aspects of an offer that you should pay attention to before pouring traffic into it. We will break down the useful information into 8 main points for convenience. Let’s begin!

1.Conversion Rate

Although this point does not relate to the conditions of the offer, in 99% of cases, it is a determining factor for starting to work with an offer. You can request information on the current conversion rate of any offer in our affiliate program from your personal manager.


GEO refers to the countries that are available for pouring traffic into a particular offer. Different GEOs require different approaches, depending on many factors such as mentality, language, media trends, and much more. However, this should not stop you if you have the opportunity and desire to test new things without investing all your money. It’s important to have an idea of how popular a particular GEO is, the average cost of an install in it, and what approaches to pouring are successful in that country. All this will help you form a general idea of working with this GEO and roughly calculate the budget for testing and potential ROI. However, remember that there are always risks!

3. Payable Goal

The payable goal is the necessary action of a lead for which payment will be made. There are many different payable goals, but in the gambling vertical, they mainly vary between two main actions: registration or the first deposit, as these are the basic actions needed to account for players. The most common tricks in payable goals are baseline, wager, and various KPIs, where any other specifications required by the advertiser can be added, such as average check, number of repeat deposits, and others. The most comfortable work is with offers whose payable goal consists only of these basic actions: registration or first deposit. This makes it significantly easier for you to calculate your ROI more accurately. However, if an offer has a baseline, but the rate is higher than the average for the GEO and your personal manager says that this offer is currently converting well, showing you the stats screen, don’t miss the chance to earn, fearing the baseline or any other additional criterion in the payable goal. If budgets allow – boldly pour a test and do not miss your chance!

4.Minimum Deposit Amount

The minimum deposit amount varies mainly from GEO and product orientation. As a rule, it is formed from the average income of residents of the required country. However, sometimes there are situations when advertisers, working with not so rich countries (India, Bangladesh, South Africa, etc.), set a high minimum deposit for these GEOs. You can understand that the minimum deposit is overstated by finding out the average monthly income of the population in the country of interest on the Internet or already having experience in the gambling market in a particular GEO. By raising the minimum deposit amount, the advertiser aims to get a more solvent audience while cutting off the less wealthy audience as much as possible. This is done so that the audience as a whole maintains high activity and average check for the brand and so that when buying traffic on a CPA model, you do not pay for traffic volumes that may not pay off, increasing the risks of losing money for the advertiser. The average minimum deposit in Tier1 countries is from 10 to 20 dollars. In CIS countries, it is from $1 to $5 in the equivalent of local currencies.


One of the key aspects of the decision to start working with an offer. However, you should not be guided by the principle: “the higher the rate, the better,” because, no matter how great the rate is, it is always conditioned by something, usually by the payable goal or the amount of the minimum deposit. Mainly, the rate of the offer is composed of the previously mentioned 4 points. Often, rates are flexible and subject to both increase and decrease for various reasons. In the breakdown by GEO, rates in our vertical range from 15 to 300-400 USD. This is due to the different values of the player depending on the country of residence, as well as the cost of attracting this player. After all, the more developed the country, the higher the standard of living and the more expensive the advertising from any source.


Landings or target pages are created to enhance the effectiveness of advertising and the player’s desire to get to the product to play. Often, landings represent a page in the style of the product, where bonuses for some action are indicated: most often for the first deposit, less often – for registration. The strongest level of conversion is possessed by “landings with activity”, i.e., with bonuses that can be won by spinning the wheel of fortune or a popular slot in the GEO several times. Creating the illusion that the player is lucky and a lucky one who accidentally won a cool bonus. All this contributes to increasing the conversion to deposit and, as a consequence, your ROI. So, if there is an abundance of various landings on the offer, this is a big plus and another reason to start working with this offer.


This is the time needed by the advertiser to assess the quality of the traffic and make a decision on continuing or stopping work with the webmaster. Also, often when working with affiliate programs, it has a second meaning – the periodicity of payments. That is, every so often, payment is made for the traffic poured in the specified period. In our affiliate program, there are the following basic hold periods: 7, 14, 15, 21, 28, 30, and 45 days.

8.Frequency of Statistics Update

This point in the description of our offers will help you understand how often data is updated in the statistics for a particular offer in our affiliate program. Often this is an important point for arbitrators and webmasters, as it directly affects the speed of response in case the conversion has worsened or disappeared altogether. Advertisers themselves often try to speed up the update of statistics and bring this process to real-time updates. However, sometimes it happens that good, converting offers have statistics updated only once a day, this is a problem for launching volumes, but if you pour up to 5-7 FD daily, this will not be a big problem for you. It may be that the statistics on the advertiser’s side are updated more often than the mechanism for transferring data – postback, which triggers the update of statistics on our side. This means that we can request statistics of your pouring from the advertiser at your request until the data is updated in our affiliate program. This will help you stay informed at any time.

To sum up, in this article, we have considered 8 main points that will help you choose the most profitable, but at the same time comfortable for you offer. All these criteria points are described in each of our offers and you will have no trouble finding this information. Use the information correctly, check all offers before pouring, and you will be able to protect yourself from most of the surprises and troubles that may arise at the beginning of working with a new offer for you!

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