Top 5 Reasons To Read Media Gambling.Pro


Hello! I am Zlata Gambling.Pro. Today I will tell you why it is important to read our blog and social media. I will tell you how this affects your development and income level! Knowledge leads to results if you do something. 

Reason number 1: Quick solution to any issue. 

Telegram channel Gambling.Pro News and chat Support is the largest information resource among all affiliate programs. We have a total of 18,000 subscribers.

Perhaps the answer to the affiliate marketing question is already on this channel. 

In order to find out, you need to write “news” in the search, open a channel and see that this is a storehouse of useful information. The channel is updated 2 to 6 times a day. 

So how do you quickly find the answer to a question? You need to click on the search icon in the channel itself and write a keyword. It can be “Cloaca”, “Pre-party”, “Promocode” or “Tracker integration”.

The channel publishes all breaking news, links to useful materials, articles, manuals. 

I also want to mention the live broadcasts, which take place 3 times a week. We always announce in advance the topics we plan to talk about. The time of the live broadcast remains unchanged: Monday and Wednesday – 21:30, Friday – 18:00. Live broadcasts are the easiest and most effective way to get the information you need or solve a problem in a couple of minutes. In the chat you can always ask a question that interests you. You can raise your hand and the speaker will promptly help you in solving it. The most up-to-date information is available free of charge, without registration and SMS.

We have implemented a duty in chats, both in GP Support and in chats where we advertise. There are questions from our partners, which often do not find an answer. It is the GP representative who can quickly resolve any issue. This is a direct way of interaction, starting a dialogue, and, possibly, a new mutually beneficial cooperation. 

Reason 2: Broaden your horizons in affiliate marketing.

At the moment, on the Youtube channel Gambling.Pro there are 24 up-to-date video manuals, 11 interesting interviews with top specialists from the field. 

Is it worth knowing them all by sight? Definitely yes. 

Should you watch these videos in their entirety? It’s up to you how to spend your time, but how else will you find out who Marina Chernova is or how TraffBraza started? 

If you want to know all the information you need, then instead of the evening series, you should look at Artem Prokofiev’s report on the launch on UAC with at least one eye. It will be helpful.

Reason 3: Getting to know the team.

This is the most interesting thing for you.

Instagram is the most “live” social network. People look at people, spy on their lives. 

Over the past 3 weeks, we began to publish in stories the faces of our managers, as direct participants in the life of Gambling.Pro. This significantly increased views. The guys regularly record videos for 15-30 seconds on a hot topic. Stories coverage has doubled. It’s interesting and eye-catching. 

In the feed we talk about the professionalism, personal qualities and expertise of the guys working at Gambling.Pro. After all, Instagram is a social network about people and for people. We talk about people we are proud of and partners we can trust. 

Our managers develop together with GP, and the partner network grows with them. 

Reason 4: Development of expertise. 

Any article written and posted on the GP blog is an experience. This experience is ours or that of a third-party team using our offers. 

People read, get inspired, try to repeat. One succeeds, the other does it differently, but, as a rule, relying on the source material, creates a new case. This is how the history of affiliate marketing is written. 

We write manuals for Dolphin, Keitaro, Binom, etc. All articles are duplicated on the largest media partnerkin. 

The GP Blog on Partnerkin is always ranked # 1 for blogs on this site. There is a wider audience here, and therefore the material published there can be seen by a person working with a different vertical, interested in the material and trying himself in gambling traffic. 

We always encourage our team to write new articles. The guys regularly fight for victory in contests for articles and not only. Due to this, they create a large amount of useful content. We believe that motivation is an extremely important part of any work process. The winner always gets an interesting prize for not only doing his job with high quality, but also doing it in large quantities. 

Our media has a heading “article from an expert”. On the banner with the title of the article, we show the author’s photo. The more materials written by the manager of Gambling.Pro, the more often subscribers will see his face and perhaps remember him. And then, when they meet at events, they will say that they know him and want to work only with him. 

And since I mentioned events, let’s talk about them. 

Reason 5: Events. 

If you are not subscribed to our social networks, and you do not know when this or that event will take place, who will be at it, and how to get there, then … you are unlikely to be invited. 

While you frantically subscribe to our instagram, I’ll tell you all the same. 

The upcoming events will be in the fall. These are two large-scale conferences Kinza 360 and MAC 2021. 

I think that they will be even larger than the World Affiliate Show event, which took place at the beginning of summer. 

Artem Prokofiev and Maxim Budarin will perform on Kinza from GP with a revolutionary speech in the launch of advertising. They will talk about the Cloaca bot. 

We are also preparing a pre-party, it will be held on the ship. On September 8, we will sail along the Moscow River and enjoy the capital’s autumn breeze!

MAC will be in early October. Artem will speak at the event about a new white niche with an ROI of 500%. Parties “before” and “after”, of course, will also be, but we will tell you about the details a little later, follow the announcements. 🙂

All these activities are not just a party, entertainment and a reason to get drunk. This is, first of all, networking, exchange of experience, and testing the strength of the nerves of the marketing department. 🤪

To find out how to get a 20% discount when buying MAC tickets, subscribe to our social media and turn on notifications. 

Why are we doing all this? 

  1. To share with you my expertise and useful information.
  2. To always be ahead and go to the next level. We want to be proud of us and see us at the first lines of the ratings.

Become an expert in affiliate marketing, and media will help you with it! 


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