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Infinite Load Articles

4 STEPS to a successful launch from FB to PWA applications!

Hello everyone! GamblingPro here! Today, we'll dive into the correct setup for launching PWA applications with FB – from creating a flow link in the...

Let’s Learn to Run Campaigns with Tik-Tok Self-Reg Accounts!

Hello everyone 😉 This is GamblingPro speaking. We've been receiving questions on a similar theme for a while now: "How to run campaigns with Tik-Tok self-reg...

Increase your ROI! Setting up a live campaign tracker with a...

Hello everyone! Today, using the Keitaro tracker campaign as an example, we'll set up our flows for funneling from contextual advertising to PWA. Let's get...


Hello everyone, GamblingPro here! Today, we'll talk about a major PWA update! We've done everything to maximize user trust and increase conversion! How? Read...

Efficient Keitaro Settings: One Naming for Multiple GEOs and Offers!

Hello everyone) It's GamblingPro with you! Today, we will learn how to launch traffic with a single naming for an app in such a...

ROI 300+% in Asia: myth or reality?

Hello everyone, this is GamblingPro. Today, we will discuss the prospects of working in Asia, the potential ROI you can achieve there, and why...
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